Clinical Correlations- Final Reflection

Clinical Correlations has been a class which has allowed me to grow exponentially as a PA student. I found it challenging at first, as it was the first experience trying to combine all aspects of my learning into a single patient case. With time, I have become more comfortable in knowing what questions to ask, what exams I want to do, what tests I want to order, etc. What I feel would have been helpful, would be to further that experience and talk more about managing the patient and how I could follow up with the patient, as this would be something I will have to do in the future. In one of the classes, I had the assignment of writing up orders for the patient. It was very difficult, but I am glad to have had the experience to do so, because it showed me how deeply involved I would be in my patient’s care, and how prepared I should be when working in the field. Overall, it was a great experience, and I’m glad I can take what I learned into my clinical year.