OB/GYN Site Visit

The case I presented was on a patient with PCOS. She had come to the clinic complaining of amenorrhea that had lasted several months. She had also noticed an increase in her weight of approximately 100 pounds in the last two years despite having no changes in her diet or lifestyle. She wanted to be evaluated because she has been trying to conceive for the past two years with no success. She had previously been seen on September 26 for lab work and had TSH, PRL, Estradiol, LH, FSH, and Testosterone- all of which came back normal. However, her Pelvic U/S showed Bilateral enlarged ovaries with multiple follicles. It is important to run all these labs because there can be several causes of amenorrhea including hypothyroidism, obesity, or even a pituitary tumor. Making sure we cover all our possible differentials and are able to back up the reason why we order different labs or tests make us better providers for our patients.