
Internal Medicine: Rotation Reflection

My Internal Medicine Rotation was completed in North Shore University Hospital located in Manhasset. I was glad to have my final rotation in Internal Medicine because it felt like I was able to put together everything I have learned from my previous rotations into this one since this is such an all-encompassing rotation. During these past 5 weeks, I spent most of my time working either on different floors throughout the hospital or the ED.  Our ED days were especially intensive, since we were taking in a large volume of patients throughout the day. Our days consisted of coming in …

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Internal Medicine: Site Visit Summary

The patient case that I presented was a sepsis case- I wanted to present this case because during my time at this rotation, I realized how prevalent sepsis was in internal medicine. The patient that I presented was a 83 year old female with a PMH of DMT2, CAD s/p stent, mild COPD, HTN and HLD who presents to the ED with fever, SOB and a productive cough- all of which had worsened. Her vitals showed that her HR was tachycardic at 111 bpm, febrile at 100.7 F and had an O2 sat of 83% on RA. Based on her …

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Journal Article and Summary

Comparison of diagnostic accuracy in sepsis between presepsin, procalcitonin, and C-reactive protein: a systematic review and meta-analysis Reason for choosing this article: During my time in my Internal Med rotation, sepsis cases commonly popped up each time I would be in the ED. In internal med- and in pretty much every field- sepsis will always come up, making it extremely important to know how to recognize it quickly and treat patients adequately. PAs and providers must also be diligent in knowing how to distinguish SEPSIS from non-infectious SIRS, which is what this article talks about.  Background: Method: Discussion: Conclusion:

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OB/GYN: Rotation Reflection

My OB/GYN rotation was at Woodhull Hospital in Bushwick, Brooklyn. I was very excited to start this rotation because this was a field that I had been interested in working in in the future. I found this rotation to be educational and provided a variety of experiences. My first week was L&D Day shift where I was able to interview patients from triage, as well as become associated with the patients who were about to go into labor. Additionally, I was able to assist in natural vaginal births, c-sections, as well as an emergency D&C. During my GYN on-call week, …

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