Surgery Site Visit

The patient that I presented during my site visit was a urosepsis patient. I wanted to focus on a patient with sepsis, since this is such an important topic to become familiar with, since it is possible to see sepsis in different areas of medicine. This patient in particular was a patient who developed a high white count, fevers, and hypotension within 30 days of his surgery, making him highly suspicious for SEPSIS. This case study was beneficial from me to learn from because it taught me the signs to look out for in sepsis patients as well as what labs and tests should be ordered early on and what the best pay to prep the patient for treatment is. Making sure that the patient has IV access early on and ordering blood and urine cultures to assess for infection upon admission are great ways to save time when it comes to treating the patient. I definitely learned that time is of the essence when it comes to treating to these patients in efforts to prevent severe sepsis or septic shock.